September 28, 2011
This week as I thought about words of inspiration and motivation, several things came to mind . As I thought about it more, I began to sense a deeper meaning and connection in everything I was thinking about related to inspiration and motivation. In the video, "The Passion for Early Childhood" we viewed during week 2, the words of Louise Derman-Sparks resonated with me. When she talked about why she ended up in Early Childhood she stated " I knew I wanted to make a real contribution in the world and fix all the in justices in the world. Teaching would allow me to do that." Renatta Cooper states " Early Childhood Education as a civil rights issue. It is equity work." In aditional research on another major contributor the the field of Early Childhood, Dr. Edward Zigler is quoted " I have a built-in empathy for poor children as well as a deep belief based on my own life, that just because you're poor that doesn't mean you're inadequate." How powerful these words are. For me it is the essence of the work I want to be involved in. We help make a difference not only for the children in our classrooms today but also for children in the future. It really is about contributing to the great good when we have a positive impact through our work on children and families.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Beware of sessions timing out!!!!
September 26, 2011
Dear Classmates,
BEWARE of sessions timing out! After working on my discussion post all evening, I was unable to save or submit it because my session timed out. I tried to get help from the online chat help but was told that classroom sessions only are active 10 to 15 minute will then time out...typing does not count ?????? and there was no way to retieve it. I honestly didn't remember that being explained in the orientation activities. So dear classmates....I share my experience :-( now I get to start all over again to discuss major contributors in the Early Childhood field...... this time it will be done in Word and pasted in the box!
Dear Classmates,
BEWARE of sessions timing out! After working on my discussion post all evening, I was unable to save or submit it because my session timed out. I tried to get help from the online chat help but was told that classroom sessions only are active 10 to 15 minute will then time out...typing does not count ?????? and there was no way to retieve it. I honestly didn't remember that being explained in the orientation activities. So dear classmates....I share my experience :-( now I get to start all over again to discuss major contributors in the Early Childhood field...... this time it will be done in Word and pasted in the box!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Week 4, already
September 25, 2011
Week number 4- already !!!!! As I begin to jump into week 4 of my first online Master's level course, I am awe struck by where I've come in such a short amount of time. In addition to feeling like I have made some new professional colleagues, I feel like I'm actually beginning to understand the power of technology ! As I began researching the major contributors in our field of Early Childhood, I thought about what this work was like when I was working on my undergrad degree fifteen years ago. It meant actually going to the library either on campus or in the community which was always tricky since I was operating my family child care back then and raising a very active family. My how technology would have simplified my life. A lap top and 3G network , and I could have accomplished all sorts of things waiting for a soccer game to begin or at an all day band cavalcade. Amazing what I am learning after all these years........
Week number 4- already !!!!! As I begin to jump into week 4 of my first online Master's level course, I am awe struck by where I've come in such a short amount of time. In addition to feeling like I have made some new professional colleagues, I feel like I'm actually beginning to understand the power of technology ! As I began researching the major contributors in our field of Early Childhood, I thought about what this work was like when I was working on my undergrad degree fifteen years ago. It meant actually going to the library either on campus or in the community which was always tricky since I was operating my family child care back then and raising a very active family. My how technology would have simplified my life. A lap top and 3G network , and I could have accomplished all sorts of things waiting for a soccer game to begin or at an all day band cavalcade. Amazing what I am learning after all these years........
Thursday, September 22, 2011
My Personal Childhood Web
I was experiementing with my blog and posted this to a new area. I wasn't sure my followers could see it so....I thought it best to post it again. I'm still trying to master this !!!
My Personal Childhood Web
As I think about those special pepolple that have been part of my life ,I have very fond memories. There were three influencial women in my life growing up.The first person to come to mind is my mother. Marge or Margaret to others or Maggie as my husband would call her, Nana to my children but to me she was Momma. She was a remarkable women. As a first generation born in America Italian, she made the best of what she was given in life. Raised in a family with 10 brothers and sisters during the depression, she grew up placing a great deal of value 0n family. She often told my sister and I stories about all that my Grandfather did to provide for his family. She only had an eighth grade education because when she was growing up, girls didn't need to go beyond that. She was needed at home to help my Grandmother with the other children. She often shared that not having the opportunity for an education was her only regret in life. She encouraged my sister and I to be what we wanted to be.
Next I think of my maternal Grandmother. She was a remarkable women. In the early 1900's, my Grandfather came to America to make a better way for his family. Leaving my Grandmother and two sons in Italy while he worked in New york City helping to build the subways. When he had enough money , he sent for my Grandmother and the two boys. Several of the men from their town did the same thing so all the women traveled to America by boat to join their husbands. She arrived knowing no English. According to my Mother, she adapted quickly to America. The families lived in the same neighborhood so everyone supported each other.
She learned English as best she could and did not read or write in either language ,yet she manged to ride the train and bus and be self sufficient. My Grandmother was an inspiration to me . When I think about the courage it took to leave her parents and travel to a new country with two babies in tow, I realize the sacrafices she made to benefit the family.
Another important woman in my life growing up was my Aunt Jane. She was my Father's youngest sister. Truly , she was a woman ahead of her time. She was the first one in the family to attend college. She was the first one in the family to have a career in a non-traditional field . She was the first one to extensively travel and she accomplished all of this on her own.
She was a role model for me. I learned through her women could do whatever they wanted to and not be held back by gender. This was all happening in the 1950's. Aunt Jane inspired me to think outside the box and be creative and courageous. She taught me to follow my dreams.
These incredible women have passed on but the memories I have will stay with me forever . Their courage, drive and love of family have been the basis of how I live my life. I have worked diligently at sharing with my children , what these special family members gave me.
Next I think of my maternal Grandmother. She was a remarkable women. In the early 1900's, my Grandfather came to America to make a better way for his family. Leaving my Grandmother and two sons in Italy while he worked in New york City helping to build the subways. When he had enough money , he sent for my Grandmother and the two boys. Several of the men from their town did the same thing so all the women traveled to America by boat to join their husbands. She arrived knowing no English. According to my Mother, she adapted quickly to America. The families lived in the same neighborhood so everyone supported each other.
She learned English as best she could and did not read or write in either language ,yet she manged to ride the train and bus and be self sufficient. My Grandmother was an inspiration to me . When I think about the courage it took to leave her parents and travel to a new country with two babies in tow, I realize the sacrafices she made to benefit the family.
Another important woman in my life growing up was my Aunt Jane. She was my Father's youngest sister. Truly , she was a woman ahead of her time. She was the first one in the family to attend college. She was the first one in the family to have a career in a non-traditional field . She was the first one to extensively travel and she accomplished all of this on her own.
She was a role model for me. I learned through her women could do whatever they wanted to and not be held back by gender. This was all happening in the 1950's. Aunt Jane inspired me to think outside the box and be creative and courageous. She taught me to follow my dreams.
These incredible women have passed on but the memories I have will stay with me forever . Their courage, drive and love of family have been the basis of how I live my life. I have worked diligently at sharing with my children , what these special family members gave me.

Monday, September 19, 2011
Intorduction to the Walden Library Webinar
September 19, 2011
I absolutely needed to share my experience in participating in the webinar on the Walden Library. Being new to accessing this resource, I felt it was worth exploring. The webinar was easy to access via a link sent in a reminder email after you register. It was thorough and I really feel like I learned important information that I'm sure will help me in the future with coursework. I would recommend taking the time to participate if you haven't already.
I absolutely needed to share my experience in participating in the webinar on the Walden Library. Being new to accessing this resource, I felt it was worth exploring. The webinar was easy to access via a link sent in a reminder email after you register. It was thorough and I really feel like I learned important information that I'm sure will help me in the future with coursework. I would recommend taking the time to participate if you haven't already.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
APA, easily forgotten
September 18, 2011
As I put the finishing touches in my Application assignment, I stumbled across the instruction to include references. I'm still trying to navigate the many places in this online world where important information is posted ! As I began the reference page , I sadly realized that APA format was not like riding a did not come back to me , at all! As the evening was quickly flying past, I pulled out the many resources we have been given and sorted through it all. Some pieces of information were easy to find and follow. others were not. At any rate, I am happy to say, Week 2 Application is submitted ! Now time to relax before facing a busy week .
As I put the finishing touches in my Application assignment, I stumbled across the instruction to include references. I'm still trying to navigate the many places in this online world where important information is posted ! As I began the reference page , I sadly realized that APA format was not like riding a did not come back to me , at all! As the evening was quickly flying past, I pulled out the many resources we have been given and sorted through it all. Some pieces of information were easy to find and follow. others were not. At any rate, I am happy to say, Week 2 Application is submitted ! Now time to relax before facing a busy week .
Friday, September 16, 2011
AAAAH,The Weekend
September 16, 2011
Another week comes to an end. With Head Start fully operational, my week as the Program Administrator is never dull. I'm still working through bus runs for the children with our transportation department, sorting out staff openings, preparing for a staff meeting Monday, etc.etc .etc......and getting ready to move back into our newly renovated office space ! I am putting it all aside and enjoying my weekend in our RV at the beach. I have learned the importance of taking time out to relax and regroup. Monday will be here soon enough.
Another week comes to an end. With Head Start fully operational, my week as the Program Administrator is never dull. I'm still working through bus runs for the children with our transportation department, sorting out staff openings, preparing for a staff meeting Monday, etc.etc .etc......and getting ready to move back into our newly renovated office space ! I am putting it all aside and enjoying my weekend in our RV at the beach. I have learned the importance of taking time out to relax and regroup. Monday will be here soon enough.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Still no luck....
September 15, 2011
Talk about frustrating !!!! I just spent the past 2 hours trying to post to classmate blogs with the help of Walden on-line support and still can't get it to work !!!!! I quit for tonight !!!!!
Talk about frustrating !!!! I just spent the past 2 hours trying to post to classmate blogs with the help of Walden on-line support and still can't get it to work !!!!! I quit for tonight !!!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Oh The places You'll Go
September 14, 2011
When I think about children's books I have many favorites but the one that stands out the most is Dr. Seuss's "Oh The Places You'll Go". The message in that book can certainly be enjoyed by our preschoolers but it also can be understood on a grown up level as well. The notion of a world so full of many things to discover is exciting . Actually, I have given that book to young people graduating from high school and even college. I especially like the lines:
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
The closing line sums it up well.
Will you succeed? Yes you will indeed!
When I think about children's books I have many favorites but the one that stands out the most is Dr. Seuss's "Oh The Places You'll Go". The message in that book can certainly be enjoyed by our preschoolers but it also can be understood on a grown up level as well. The notion of a world so full of many things to discover is exciting . Actually, I have given that book to young people graduating from high school and even college. I especially like the lines:
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
The closing line sums it up well.
Will you succeed? Yes you will indeed!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
My favorite quote....
September 13, 2011
Years ago when I had a Family Child Care, one the the parents gave me a beautiful pen and ink drawing with this quote
"There are two things you give your children,
One is roots; the other is wings."
This is my favorite quote related to was special to me back in 1991 when I received it. Twenty years later, now that my children are grown, married and on their own, it is even more special. As I look at where life has taken them, I believe I have given them both things.
Years ago when I had a Family Child Care, one the the parents gave me a beautiful pen and ink drawing with this quote
"There are two things you give your children,
One is roots; the other is wings."
This is my favorite quote related to was special to me back in 1991 when I received it. Twenty years later, now that my children are grown, married and on their own, it is even more special. As I look at where life has taken them, I believe I have given them both things.
Frustrated but still trying
September 13, 2011
I'm still trying to figure out some of the technology things that are part of my coursework . While I can read the interesting posts my classmates have been adding to their blogs,I have yet to be able to post a comment......Very frustrating. Does anyone have any tips for me?
I'm still trying to figure out some of the technology things that are part of my coursework . While I can read the interesting posts my classmates have been adding to their blogs,I have yet to be able to post a comment......Very frustrating. Does anyone have any tips for me?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Value of Reflection
September 12, 2011
Viewing the YouTube piece, The Value of Reflection, I really began to think about the message Mr. Beech conveyed. I could relate to the notion of reflection being "the work before the work", yet I often find myself guilty of not taking the time to think things through because there is always so much to do. I agree with his statement that in our society, we often get caught up in the quantity of it, not the quality that often leads to decisions being made that are not always the best especially in the long term. For me the challenge lies in making time to reflect be it on personal issues or work . Thinking about the message, I realized that it is important to allow myself that down time and will try to make a change.
Viewing the YouTube piece, The Value of Reflection, I really began to think about the message Mr. Beech conveyed. I could relate to the notion of reflection being "the work before the work", yet I often find myself guilty of not taking the time to think things through because there is always so much to do. I agree with his statement that in our society, we often get caught up in the quantity of it, not the quality that often leads to decisions being made that are not always the best especially in the long term. For me the challenge lies in making time to reflect be it on personal issues or work . Thinking about the message, I realized that it is important to allow myself that down time and will try to make a change.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Reflecting on the day- 10 years ago
September 11, 2011
Can it really be that 10 years have gone I reflect on that day 10 years ago, so many thoughts rush through my mind. I was so worried about family members in NYC and Altoona,near Somerset, PA. That period of time until I actually connected with my son, daughter and sister seemed like an eternity. Sitting in church this morning as the minister shared the same verses, prayers and sermon he used 10 years ago was powerful. That day 10 years ago changed me and so many people, in so many ways. It will never be forgotten.
Can it really be that 10 years have gone I reflect on that day 10 years ago, so many thoughts rush through my mind. I was so worried about family members in NYC and Altoona,near Somerset, PA. That period of time until I actually connected with my son, daughter and sister seemed like an eternity. Sitting in church this morning as the minister shared the same verses, prayers and sermon he used 10 years ago was powerful. That day 10 years ago changed me and so many people, in so many ways. It will never be forgotten.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Post Number 2
Saturday, September 10, 2011
After a considerable amount of trail and error, I figured out how to get back to my blog. My first week as an on-line graduate student did not go as I had planned. Between an unusually crazy start up for school year 2011-2012 and major storms and flooding in our community I'm a bit weary tonight. I think the worse part of it all is over and perhaps now I can focus more on my new adventure into the world of on-line graduate school.
After a considerable amount of trail and error, I figured out how to get back to my blog. My first week as an on-line graduate student did not go as I had planned. Between an unusually crazy start up for school year 2011-2012 and major storms and flooding in our community I'm a bit weary tonight. I think the worse part of it all is over and perhaps now I can focus more on my new adventure into the world of on-line graduate school.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
My first post
If I did everything correctly, this should be my first post to my newly created blog. I have enjoyed journaling for years so hopefully I'll be able to move into blogging easliy. It all remains to be seen.
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