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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Relationship Refelction

When I think of relationships in my life I immediatly think of my immediate family.  In May, my husband and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary.  We have two children that are both married and  we are expecting our first grand child in May. As I began to reflect on these special relationships , I found myself thinking about how the relationships have changed over the years and also how constant some elements of these relationships have been.  My husband and I had a very brief courtship before he entered the Marine Corps. We got married when he completed boot camp and then moved across the country to California.  I had never lived on my own.  Those early years were truly a time that provided an opportunity to build a solid foundation for our marriage.  We learned to work together in all aspects of our relationship.  After his discharge from the military we returned to Pennsylvania and both of our families.  Our relationship changed again as we found ourselves experiencing new demands having parents and extended family around.  Seven years later we had our son.  Again, the dynamics of our relationship changed.  We realized that we needed to make a conscious effort to be connected as a couple.  We had our daughter four years later. We found the dynamics changing again being a family of four.  We loved every minute of being parents as our children were growing up. Our lives revolved  them. Both  were involved in many activities in school and outside of school.  The next tweny years our relationship grew in a different way as parents.  It became difficult at times to keep sight of ourselves as a couple.  The years went by very quickly and we found ourselves "empy nesters".  That was an adjustment for both of us. We enjoyed reconnecting and having the freedom to do the things we enjoyed early in our marriage.  Now we are about to move into another phase of our relationships as a family as we are about to become grandparents.  It is all very exciting.  As I reflect on the things that remained constant through our forty  years, it was our committment to each other that was the positive element in our relationship growing and strengthening. It was alos having a strong faith  and committment to Christian values.
My relationship with my son and daughter  has also evolved over the years. As they have grown, our relationship moved from being the parent as their first teacher, to the parent that allowed them freedom to grow as individuals and now to the parent  that they come to for advice as  adults.  My son and his wife are about to become parents.  They both share their ideas about becoming parents and look to us for advice in many ways.  Our daughter and her husband come to us for advice about decisions they are facing as they consider career changes.  My point in all of this is that the elements of the relationships may change but  the bond that we have as a family is a strong  one built over time.
Family relationships take committment and  input form all members.  A sense of respect  and acceptance for each other is so important. Having adult children, I do see our relationships as partnerships. We support each other in many ways.
My experiences as a parent have been influencial in my work as an early childhood professional.  All that I have learned over the years raising our two children  has helped me understand the family dynamics of others.   I also have learned through friendships and involvement with other families that all families are unique in their relationships.  Even though I have my own family relationships that are the foundation of how I think about relationships, it is my responsibilty as early childhood professional who can influence families to remain open-minded , respectful and accepting of each family and their unique qualities.


  1. Hello Judi,
    Congratulations on an awesome marriage and family. I cannot even imagine going straight from home, to living with a man, to having a family and building on that for years. I am on my third marriage at only 34. My first husband turned out to be a drug addict and unfortunately passed away a few years after I left him. My second husband is my son's father and I have been blessed with such a beautiful boy. His father was unfaithful and we divorced. We are close friends today, however, but he hasn't changed! And now, my third time has truly been a charm. He brings two children and myself one, into our family. The one thing we have been blessed with although blended families are very difficult, is a little time to ourselves each month. This is very much needed time to keep our bond strong and reflect on the struggles we have with our family. He is my knight in shining armor, and I often tell him, If I had to go through everything in my past all over again if it meant getting back to you, I would do it!

  2. Judi,
    Six decades and I’m still learning, I love that saying because all we know is not all there is to learn. As educators we must continually learn. Congratulations on 40 years of marriage! That is hard to find now of days so you and your husband are definitely an inspiration to me. I love how you guys have stayed committed not only to each other but to Christ.

  3. Judi,

    Its great to hear that God, family and marriage are still important to people. Often times, I see so many people taking these three valuable aspects of life for granted.

    You and your family are definitely an inspiration to me and to others.
