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Friday, March 23, 2012

Sharing Resources

Sharing Web Resources
                 In a previous blog post, I discussed a web site that provides a great deal if information on many topics related to Head Start and early childhood in general.  The Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) is managed by the Office of Head Start.  It is updated frequently with not only Head Start specific information but also information for  all early childhood professionals and parents.
                Recently, I have been using a new section on  ECLKC.  It provides a wealth of   information on   School Readiness Goals.  Head Start  programs receive a considerable amount of guidance from the Office of Head Start which is an office of the Administration for Children and Families and a component of the Department of Health and Human Services.  A few months ago, information was pushed out to programs introducing revised child outcomes.  The Child Development and Early Learning Framework (CDELF) outlines eleven domain areas and many indicators within the domains that are skills young children need to be prepared to enter kindergarten.  We were charged with developing School Readiness Goals that specifically met the needs of our respective programs.  I was pleased to notice an area on ECLKC that provides clear guidance and examples for what an appropriate goal should include.  What was even better was that the work I had already done to begin formulating my goals aligned with what I was seeing on the new section!    The CDELF is based on the most current neuroscience and is developmentally appropriate.  A great deal of collaborative work  by the experts in the field went in to the development of the new framework.
                ECLKC also provides information on operational changes for programs.  Most recently, an information memorandum posted about criteria for in-kind contributions.  Head Start funding is unique in that as a program, we must show a 20% match based on the total amount of the Federal money provided in donated services and volunteer hours.  This is sometimes a challenge. The new revisions posted on ECLKC clarify the recent changes.  ECLKC posts all official updates related to the operation of Head Start.
                 I schedule time to review what is new on this web site at least two times per week.  There is a wealth of information that any early childhood professional could find useful.  The information on school readiness is certainly a good example of that. 
Early Childhood Learning and knowledge Center- http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc


  1. Because of this post, I am interested in checking out this website, especially to see the School Readiness Goals. I am familiar with working with Head Start. The development center I work at has a contract with our local Head Start. We currently hold 15 spots which is roughly a quarter of our complete enrollment number. I will also forward this information to my Director and colleagues. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Before reading your post, I had no idea that Head Start funding required in-kind matched donations of a certain percentage. I learned something new today because of your post.

  3. Hi Judi,
    Wow! Congratulations on formulating your school readiness goals and having them already aligned with appropriate goals as seen on the ECLKC website. I am aware of things such as donations and volunteers counting as inkind, do you remember what else was considered inkind? Thanks for the wealth of information.
