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Friday, March 9, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center
                As a Head Start Program Administrator, I refer to the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) website – http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov-  on a regular basis for many things.  I feel that much of the content of the website is useful to all early childhood professionals, not only those involved with Head Start which is why I decided to share it.   When I decided to focus on the issue of dual language learners for our assignment, ECLKC was one of the first places I looked for current information. It is not an area of the website I had gone to before and I was impressed with what I found.  There is a wealth of current research available on ECLKC that addresses the challenges in meeting the needs of dual language learners from the professional viewpoint for early childhood educators as well as from the more personal viewpoint that is useful for families.  There is also an abundance of information on school readiness and the importance of family engagement that is provided in such a way that professionals and families should find it useful.  It is a comprehensive resource. Information is updated on a regular basis keeping its content current.    Most of the information is also provided in Spanish.  It is certainly a resource worth investigating.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judith

    Thanks for the information it will be helpful when working with young children.
    Stephanie Eason
